
class flask_security.core.Security(app=None, datastore=None, **kwargs)

The Security class initializes the Flask-Security extension.

  • app – The application.
  • datastore – An instance of a user datastore.
init_app(app, datastore=None, register_blueprint=True, login_form=None, confirm_register_form=None, register_form=None, forgot_password_form=None, reset_password_form=None, change_password_form=None, send_confirmation_form=None, passwordless_login_form=None, anonymous_user=None)

Initializes the Flask-Security extension for the specified application and datastore implentation.

  • app – The application.
  • datastore – An instance of a user datastore.
  • register_blueprint – to register the Security blueprint or not.

A proxy for the current user.

Protecting Views


If you decorate a view with this, it will ensure that the current user is logged in and authenticated before calling the actual view. (If they are not, it calls the LoginManager.unauthorized callback.) For example:

def post():

If there are only certain times you need to require that your user is logged in, you can do so with:

if not current_user.is_authenticated:
    return current_app.login_manager.unauthorized()

…which is essentially the code that this function adds to your views.

It can be convenient to globally turn off authentication when unit testing. To enable this, if the application configuration variable LOGIN_DISABLED is set to True, this decorator will be ignored.


Per W3 guidelines for CORS preflight requests, HTTP OPTIONS requests are exempt from login checks.

Parameters:func (function) – The view function to decorate.

Decorator which specifies that a user must have all the specified roles. Example:

@roles_required('admin', 'editor')
def dashboard():
    return 'Dashboard'

The current user must have both the admin role and editor role in order to view the page.

Parameters:args – The required roles.

Decorator which specifies that a user must have at least one of the specified roles. Example:

@roles_accepted('editor', 'author')
def create_post():
    return 'Create Post'

The current user must have either the editor role or author role in order to view the page.

Parameters:args – The possible roles.

Decorator that protects endpoints using Basic HTTP authentication. The username should be set to the user’s email address.

Parameters:realm – optional realm name

Decorator that protects endpoints using token authentication. The token should be added to the request by the client by using a query string variable with a name equal to the configuration value of SECURITY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_KEY or in a request header named that of the configuration value of SECURITY_TOKEN_AUTHENTICATION_HEADER

User Object Helpers

class flask_security.core.UserMixin

Mixin for User model definitions


Returns the user’s authentication token.


Serialize user object as response payload.


Returns True if the user identifies with the specified role.

Parameters:role – A role name or Role instance

Returns True if the user is active.

class flask_security.core.RoleMixin

Mixin for Role model definitions

class flask_security.core.AnonymousUser

AnonymousUser definition


Returns False


class flask_security.datastore.UserDatastore(user_model, role_model)

Abstracted user datastore.

  • user_model – A user model class definition
  • role_model – A role model class definition

Activates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to activate
add_role_to_user(user, role)

Adds a role to a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to add to the user

Creates and returns a new role from the given parameters.


Creates and returns a new user from the given parameters.


Deactivates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to deactivate

Deletes the specified user.

Parameters:user – The user to delete
find_or_create_role(name, **kwargs)

Returns a role matching the given name or creates it with any additionally provided parameters.

find_role(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a role matching the provided name.

find_user(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a user matching the provided parameters.


Returns a user matching the specified ID or email address.

remove_role_from_user(user, role)

Removes a role from a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to remove from the user

Toggles a user’s active status. Always returns True.

class flask_security.datastore.SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(db, user_model, role_model)

A SQLAlchemy datastore implementation for Flask-Security that assumes the use of the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension.


Activates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to activate
add_role_to_user(user, role)

Adds a role to a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to add to the user

Creates and returns a new role from the given parameters.


Creates and returns a new user from the given parameters.


Deactivates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to deactivate

Deletes the specified user.

Parameters:user – The user to delete
find_or_create_role(name, **kwargs)

Returns a role matching the given name or creates it with any additionally provided parameters.


Returns a role matching the provided name.


Returns a user matching the provided parameters.


Returns a user matching the specified ID or email address.

remove_role_from_user(user, role)

Removes a role from a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to remove from the user

Toggles a user’s active status. Always returns True.

class flask_security.datastore.MongoEngineUserDatastore(db, user_model, role_model)

A MongoEngine datastore implementation for Flask-Security that assumes the use of the Flask-MongoEngine extension.


Activates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to activate
add_role_to_user(user, role)

Adds a role to a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to add to the user

Creates and returns a new role from the given parameters.


Creates and returns a new user from the given parameters.


Deactivates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to deactivate

Deletes the specified user.

Parameters:user – The user to delete
find_or_create_role(name, **kwargs)

Returns a role matching the given name or creates it with any additionally provided parameters.


Returns a role matching the provided name.


Returns a user matching the provided parameters.


Returns a user matching the specified ID or email address.

remove_role_from_user(user, role)

Removes a role from a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to remove from the user

Toggles a user’s active status. Always returns True.

class flask_security.datastore.PeeweeUserDatastore(db, user_model, role_model, role_link)

A PeeweeD datastore implementation for Flask-Security that assumes the use of the Flask-Peewee extension.

  • user_model – A user model class definition
  • role_model – A role model class definition
  • role_link – A model implementing the many-to-many user-role relation

Activates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to activate
add_role_to_user(user, role)

Adds a role to a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to add to the user

Creates and returns a new role from the given parameters.


Creates and returns a new user from the given parameters.


Deactivates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to deactivate

Deletes the specified user.

Parameters:user – The user to delete
find_or_create_role(name, **kwargs)

Returns a role matching the given name or creates it with any additionally provided parameters.


Returns a role matching the provided name.


Returns a user matching the provided parameters.


Returns a user matching the specified ID or email address.

remove_role_from_user(user, role)

Removes a role from a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to remove from the user

Toggles a user’s active status. Always returns True.

class flask_security.datastore.PonyUserDatastore(db, user_model, role_model)

A Pony ORM datastore implementation for Flask-Security.

Code primarily from https://github.com/ET-CS but taken over after being abandoned.


Activates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to activate

Adds a role to a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to add to the user

Creates and returns a new role from the given parameters.


Creates and returns a new user from the given parameters.


Deactivates a specified user. Returns True if a change was made.

Parameters:user – The user to deactivate

Deletes the specified user.

Parameters:user – The user to delete
find_or_create_role(name, **kwargs)

Returns a role matching the given name or creates it with any additionally provided parameters.


Returns a role matching the provided name.


Returns a user matching the provided parameters.


Returns a user matching the specified ID or email address.

remove_role_from_user(user, role)

Removes a role from a user.

  • user – The user to manipulate
  • role – The role to remove from the user

Toggles a user’s active status. Always returns True.


flask_security.utils.login_user(user, remember=None)

Perform the login routine.

If SECURITY_TRACKABLE is used, make sure you commit changes after this request (i.e. app.security.datastore.commit()).

  • user – The user to login
  • remember – Flag specifying if the remember cookie should be set. Defaults to False

Logs out the current.

This will also clean up the remember me cookie if it exists.


Returns a Base64 encoded HMAC+SHA512 of the password signed with the salt specified by SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT.

Parameters:password – The password to sign
flask_security.utils.verify_password(password, password_hash)

Returns True if the password matches the supplied hash.

  • password – A plaintext password to verify
  • password_hash – The expected hash value of the password (usually from your database)
flask_security.utils.verify_and_update_password(password, user)

Returns True if the password is valid for the specified user.

Additionally, the hashed password in the database is updated if the hashing algorithm happens to have changed.

  • password – A plaintext password to verify
  • user – The user to verify against

Encrypt the specified plaintext password.

It uses the configured encryption options.

Deprecated since version 2.0.2: Use hash_password() instead.

Parameters:password – The plaintext password to encrypt

Hash the specified plaintext password.

It uses the configured hashing options.

New in version 2.0.2.

Parameters:password – The plaintext password to hash
flask_security.utils.url_for_security(endpoint, **values)

Return a URL for the security blueprint

  • endpoint – the endpoint of the URL (name of the function)
  • values – the variable arguments of the URL rule
  • _external – if set to True, an absolute URL is generated. Server address can be changed via SERVER_NAME configuration variable which defaults to localhost.
  • _anchor – if provided this is added as anchor to the URL.
  • _method – if provided this explicitly specifies an HTTP method.
flask_security.utils.get_within_delta(key, app=None)

Get a timedelta object from the application configuration following the internal convention of:

<Amount of Units> <Type of Units>

Examples of valid config values:

5 days
10 minutes
  • key – The config value key without the ‘SECURITY_’ prefix
  • app – Optional application to inspect. Defaults to Flask’s current_app
flask_security.utils.send_mail(subject, recipient, template, **context)

Send an email via the Flask-Mail extension.

  • subject – Email subject
  • recipient – Email recipient
  • template – The name of the email template
  • context – The context to render the template with
flask_security.utils.get_token_status(token, serializer, max_age=None, return_data=False)

Get the status of a token.

  • token – The token to check
  • serializer – The name of the seriailzer. Can be one of the following: confirm, login, reset
  • max_age – The name of the max age config option. Can be on of the following: CONFIRM_EMAIL, LOGIN, RESET_PASSWORD


See the Flask documentation on signals for information on how to use these signals in your code.

See the documentation for the signals provided by the Flask-Login and Flask-Principal extensions. In addition to those signals, Flask-Security sends the following signals.


Sent when a user registers on the site. In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed user and confirm_token arguments.


Sent when a user is confirmed. In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed a user argument.


Sent when a user requests confirmation instructions. In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed a user argument.


Sent when passwordless login is used and user logs in. In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed user and login_token arguments.


Sent when a user completes a password reset. In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed a user argument.


Sent when a user completes a password change. In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed a user argument.


Sent when a user requests a password reset. In addition to the app (which is the sender), it is passed user and token arguments.